Taking care of You

3 years between. Same room around the same time. On my Facebook page the other day I got a reminder from 3 years ago. The one to the left is from May 2018 and the other one from end of April 2021. Sometimes its good to just stop and see where you're at. What has …

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True Happiness

Foto av Pixabay pu00e5 Pexels.com Do we really need something or someone to be happy? One thing I thought about the other day was I love food, but its just a few minutes or even seconds of happiness so the question is, is it worth it in the end to eat that unhealthy cake? When …

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Leaving Your Comfortzone

I think a lot of us don't think that we have a comfortzone but in reality we do but just don't think about it. It can be hard to step out of it when you're in there. To step out of it is one way to grow as a person and to learn a lot about yourself. It's a way to challenge yourself. Doesn't always have to be big steps.


“When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not yet ready. The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back. A week is more than enough time for us to decide whether or not to accept our destiny.” ― Paulo Coelho

Yoga and my mindset

I went to a yoga class last night. And after that class I started thinking about yoga and what it has done to me. As I mentioned before I started to have morning yoga as a routine. And I have now done  it for two weeks. So what has happened to my body after I started doing my yoga?